Our Story

When we were young, we dreamed to grow up to be pilots, astronauts, ballet dancers, and rock stars. Now children grow up hoping that the world won't burn around them. We worry that our last breaths will be taking, gasping on the last tendrils of air from the atmosphere. 

It is from this worry, this geniune fear, that we decided to found Air AI. We are just like you, concerned about the future of our planet and carbon-based life forms that rely on the intake of oxygen. We knew that this product was needed, and we knew that we could be the ones to meet this new demand.

The Science

Our air is engineered by scientists and infused by AI from programmers. Beat that, nature. 

Our Craft

Our aero-sperts are highly trained, and have degrees in both engineering and health. Their special set of skills allows them to select the finest air for each of our valued customers. 


No products on this website are actualy for sale. It is an ironic statement against consumerism and the qualitification and commersalisation of essential goods and means of survival.

Quality Assurance

Our air, unlike the pedestrian air available on the streets and fields of your local planet, is hand-selected, purified, and infused with our own intelligent breathing AI. The right air for you, boosted intelligently, right where you need it.